Pooky, gato adoptado



  • Estado: Pooky está adoptado Caso especial Reservado
  • Especie: Gato
  • Sexo: Macho
  • Edad: Senior (7 años y 4 meses)
  • Tamaño: Pequeño
  • Raza: Común europeo
  • Lugar: Ayamonte (Huelva)
  • Pooky,

    Fue abandonado junto con su hermana en plena calle.
    Su hermana murio atropellada antes de que pudiesemos cogerla...

    Pooky llego muy asustado... estuvo en una casa de acogida y poco a poco se fue adaptando.
    Pooky se adapto perfectamente al refugio, se lleva genial con sus compañeros.
    Pooky es un gato muy dulce, le encantan las caricias y los mimos. Al principio es un gato un poco tímido pero en cuanto te conoce es muy cariñoso y adorable. ¨Le gusta jugar y tomar el sol, ademas de que le encanta dormir encima tuya.

    Por uno de sus ojos el tiene menos visión debido a que tiene una cicatriz, pensamos que por desgracia, es por esa razón tan absurda por la que nadie se ha fijado en Pooky. El hace una vida completamente normal y no necesita ningún tipo de medicación.

    Buscamos una familia responsable para Pooky.
    Perfecto para un piso.

    Si estas interesado en Pooky, envia un email a gatosdeapapa@gmail.com

    Pretty Pooky is one of the gentlest souls you will ever meet. Still only a young
    boy, he has already been through a lot. He was put out on the street with his
    little sister. Sadly, she was run over by a car before we would save her. Luckily
    we were able to rescue Pooky and bring him to our shelter. When he first
    arrived, he was very scared and who could blame this poor little boy? Pooky is
    now in a foster home where he slowly adapts to a normal cat life. He is doing so
    much better already. He loves being caressed and has a very calm personality.
    Pooky’s smart black and white suit is very funky, with the long white ‘sock’ on his

    forepaw and the long black ‘sleeve’ on the other. His sweet face with the long
    pointy ears and the slightly squinting eyes will always put a smile on your face.
    This little sweetheart has found his way into our hearts. Hopefully, he will find
    the warm, loving home that he deserves.
    If you would like to give Pooky his second chance in life, please send us an e-
    mail at gatosdeapapa@gmail.com



    They were together with his sister in the middle of the street.
    Her sister died run over before we could catch her ...

    Pooky arrived very scared ...
    Thank God, Pooky adapted perfectly to the shelter, gets along great with his companions, has the best friend Sam, with whom he likes to play and sleep together.
    Pooky is a very sweet cat, the lovely caresses and pampering. At first it is a shy little cat but as soon as you like it it is very affectionate and adorable. He likes to play and sunbathe, besides that he loves to sleep on top of you.

    For one of his eyes he has less visibility because he has a scar. He makes a completely normal life and does not have any kind of medication.

    We are looking for a responsible family for Pooky.
    Perfect for a floor.
Publicado en Bambú difunde el 17-01-2017

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Pooky está adoptado